Kia ora Mosen At Largers. A reminder that this podcast is indexed by chapter. If you listen with a podcast client that offers chapter support, you can easily skip between segments.

Here are the topics covered in this episode, and the time in the file for each.

New Apple and Amazon stuff,[0:29]
Hints on staying in step with a cane,[5:21]
The blind ghetto from a wider perspective,[9:48]
Mike Calvo says he’s not going to say blind ghetto anymore,[21:13]
Pneuma solutions answers listener questions,[24:10]
Looking for a USB adapter,[31:17]
Trouble accessing,[32:32]
People think they have the right to invade a blind person’s space,[36:35]
Thoughts on effective advocacy,[40:41]
Burning music from Apple ontoCD,[45:35]
text-to-speech on iPhone doing bizarre mispronunciation,[52:16]
More radio automation memories,[53:30]
Shermeen Khan says she’s more blind than brown,[57:45] Here is the article that inspired the interview.
The Bonnie Bulletin optophone and Optacon reflections,[1:41:35]
The number of taxi drivers claiming allergies seem to be on the rise,[1:48:26]
sticking to a ketogenic diet,[1:53:03]
Closing and contact info,[2:02:15]