I’m pleased to announce the launch of WhatsApp support for Living Blindfully, making it even easier for more people to participate in the podcast.

From now on, in addition to our existing listener contribution methods of email and landline phone, you can send a text or voice message to our dedicated WhatsApp number. Many people will find recording a voice message on WhatsApp much easier than recording audio in another application and then attaching it to an email.

WhatsApp is accessible and used extensively by the blind community, so we’re confident this will make it even easier to hear the voices of our extensive audience in 113 countries.

To send a contribution for consideration to Living Blindfully via WhatsApp, text or send a voice message to +447874464152.

You can also choose this link to message Living Blindfully from WhatsApp.

We hope to add additional messaging applications in future.

With an increasing number of ways to get in touch, there is now an easy web page where you can review how to get in touch and pick the method that suits you best.

Check out



I hope you enjoy the new WhatsApp support.