Want to be among the first to hear the latest Living Blindfully episode? As part of the benefits of Living Blindfully Plus membership, members who’ve subscribed for as little as one New Zealand dollar per month will receive the episode this Sunday at 6 AM New Zealand time. That’s a full three days before it’s made available to the public on Wednesday at 6 AM New Zealand time. Plus, you help to keep the podcast sustainable. Your support for the podcast means a lot, and makes a big difference. Thank you so much.

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We may express justifiable frustration from time to time about accessibility bugs in Apple’s operating systems that take a long time to be addressed, but Apple tends to get the fundamentals right. They have now confirmed that its cutting-edge new Vision Pro spatial computer is accessible. I’ll update you on what we know, and we’ll consider what it might mean for those who can afford its humungous price tag.

There is a lot more discussion this week not just on Bookshare’s recent price increase, but whether there is still a place for Bookshare in an era of accessible mainstream bookstores.

Chances are that even if you don’t frequently use the social networking platform Reddit, you’ll have come across it after you’ve typed something into your favourite search engine. I use it to keep connected with the podcasting community. Many others use it to find information about blindness or low vision, sometimes when people are going through very difficult times.

Reddit’s own website and apps are not fully accessible, so blind people tend to prefer third-party apps. Those apps are now under threat, as Reddit prepares to charge exorbitant prices for access to the application programming interface that allows them to connect to the service. Outrage is building, and a mass protest is about to hit the platform. Many sighted people love their third-party apps too, so this is a hot topic. I speak with one of the moderators of the R/Blind community on Reddit about this concerning situation.


There is plenty more too. Thank you for listening and I look forward to bringing you Living Blindfully episode 234.