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On the show this week, home automation is cool and can make life easier, but it can also offer unique accessibility wins. So what’s the state of home automation in 2024, and how do you get started if you’ve not dabbled in it yet? I’m joined by Dustin Boggus, who is the host of the MyHomeKitHome podcast for an informative discussion. I know that many listeners would be interested in the home automation experiences of others, so if this is something you’re doing, do feel free to share.

There is quite a bit of notetaker discussion this week. Is the BT Speak too expensive for what it is, or is it a bargain? Where might the notetaker industry be heading?

A listener shares a story about his frustration verifying his identity online in the United States. Is this a problem for you too? Feel free to share your experiences.

We’ll look at an automatic subtitle reader for NVDA.

There’s more on my new hearing aid journey and someone else’s too.

And I’ll pay a short tribute to my wonderful Mum, Pauline Mosen, who died last Sunday.


All this, and a lot more, in Living Blindfully 278. Our show is special because of all the contributions we receive from around the world, so don’t hesitate to be a part of it.