We will publish episode 298 of Living Blindfully for everyone, whether they are Plus subscribers or they listen free, at 2 PM US Eastern time on Saturday, 6 AM on Sunday in New Zealand.

On the show this week, OrCam says it is still committed to the blindness and low vision market and is merely changing its business model. We have all the details.

Vision Australia is using its control of some of the audio information services in Australia to censor information about a petition calling on the Vision Australia Board to run an open process for recruiting it’s CEO. I speak with the host of the affected programme, Vaughn Bennison. In the meantime, you can find the episode of New Horizons which Vision Australia has banned wherever you get your podcasts. To sign the petition, please visit https://change.org/unitedblindleaders.

We have some listener responses to the blindness leadership crisis.

And at the NFB convention in July, Bonnie and I sat down with Jennifer Wenzel and Lia Stone, co-chairs of NFB’s Employment Committee. We talk about things that are within our control that might help us land a job, attitudinal barriers, the blindness agency leadership crisis and more.

All this, and a lot more, in Living Blindfully 298.